Dr. Michael (Bhodi) Tims is director of Herbal Product Design and Manufacture MS and the Cannabis Science Certificate programs at Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH). He has broad herbal research experience in product and formulary development, clinical application, analytical method development, and the chemical ecology of medicinal plants.
Dr. Tims collaborated with federal regulators to provide medicinal plant toxicity assessments. He co-developed HerbMed, a web-based herbal database providing access to scientific data on herbal medicine, and he completed a NIH/NIST postdoctoral fellowship developing Botanical Standard Reference Materials.
He received his BA in English/Writing from George Mason University and his Ph.D. in the Chemical Ecology of Medicinal Plants from the University of Maryland, College Park.
Currently he mentors researchers at MUIH and was awarded the 2017 MUIH Research and Scholarship Award. In 2016 he was awarded an Emerson Ecologics Grant for research proposal, Expanding MUIH Herbal Dispensary Services to Support GMP Education of New Herbalists and Smaller Herbal Manufacturers. His research interests are listed below:
- Investigate the chemical ecology of cannabis trichomes and the effect on therapeutic phytochemical profiles
- Does the overlay of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) amplify the impact of adaptogens, rasayanas, tonics and trophorestoratives to stimulate other, specific sets of physiological systems or endpoints (endocrine, neural, pharmacokinetic, immune and inflammatory)? Can we design products with resilience-based ingredients (herbal, cannabis, dietary supplements) to amplify those clinical endpoints in a target fashion using the ECS?
- Plant material can degrade quickly after harvest. That requires techniques for simultaneously stabilizing constituents during processing and storage, as well as optimizing their extraction to provide an effective treatment. How do harvest and storage methods, as well as various extraction approaches alter the following characteristics:
- Constituent profile
- Clinical efficacy
In additional, he is Vice-Chairperson Board of Directors, Verax Research Services, Inc. and the Scientific Advisor for Vitreon America, Inc., directing cannabis and herbal product development for the cosmeceutical and supplement marketplace. He has also consulted with various companies:
- Creating formulary for energy, relaxation and recovery.
- Providing scientific support for the development of a biomarker-based platform for cannabis pre-clinical validation studies.
- Creating cannabis (hemp) and traditional herbal pain formulary.
- Reviewing existing cannabis tincture and pet supplement line for effectiveness and safety.
- Producing formulary for memory loss and arthritis in general practice patient populations.
- Developing constitutional formulary using adaptogens and trophorestoratives to support human resilience and a return to hormonal balance.
Previous research efforts included the following:
- The role of lectins as signaling molecules in American Mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum).
- The chemical ecology of Hydrastis canadensisrhizosphere and its effect on soil fungi.
- Tissue culture experiments to differentiate plant tissue of Mistletoe and Goldenseal.
- Enzymatic extraction and certification measurements of green tea (Camellia sinensis).
- Developed analytical methods to evaluate economic adulteration of goldenseal.
Access to several peer-reviewed articles can be found at Research Gate
Or Links can be found at Google Scholar
- Johnson, H.E., et al. (2018) Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2018.006: Determination of Select Flavonoids from Skullcap. Journal of AOAC International. 101(4): 1261-1265.
- Dentali, S.J., et al. (2018) Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2018.005: Determination of Kavalactones and/or Flavokavains from Kava (Piper methysticum). Journal of AOAC International. 101(4): 1256-1260.
- Tims, M. (2017) Review: Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Allelochemicals/Natural Products. J. Nat. Prod. 80 (4): 1230–1230.
- Tims, M. (2016) Putting the Cart before the Horse: Toward the Appropriate Use of DNA Methods for Quality Assurance in the Herbal Supplement Industry. J. Comp. Alt. Med. 22(8):1-3.
- Tims, M. (2016) Botanical Adulterants Program (BAP) Bulletin on Adulteration of Hydrastis canadensis roots. Austin, TX: ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Program.
- Tims, M.C. (2014) Transformative Learning: The Role of Research in Traditional Clinical Disciplines. Integrative Medicine. 13(4): 24-28.
- Pengelly, A., Bennett K., Spelman, K.., and Tims, C. (2012) Appalachian Plant Monograph Series: Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis L.
- Sander, L.C., et al. (2011) Development and Certification of Green Tea-Containing Standard Reference Materials, Analytical Chemistry, 402:1, pp. 473-487.
- Tims, C., What do we know about how rhizosphere fungal ecology effects the quality of herbal medicine? Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation, Winter 2009.
- Tims M. and Bautista C., (2007) Effects of Root Isoquinoline Alkaloids from Hydrastis canadensis on Fusarium oxysporum isolated from Hydrastis Root Tissue, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 33:1449–1455.
- Tims, M. and McCarthy, S. (1997) Bean Improvement Cooperative Digital Conversion Project, Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. 40: 3-6.
Invited Scholarly Talks
Access to several PowerPoint talks can be found at LinkedIn
Research Talks
- Can Chemical Ecology Help Find Effective Herbal Medicine? 2017 International Conference on the Science of Botanicals, National Center for Natural Products Research, Oxford, MS
- Awardee Lecture: Design, development and development of two student-assisted research studies, 2017 MUIH Excellence in Research and Scholarship Award, Laurel MD.
- There’s a Party Going On: How Chemical Ecology Can Help Find Good Medicine, 2016 American Herbalist Guild Annual Meeting, Seven Springs, PA.
- A Little Biology Goes a Long Way: Botanical Standard Reference Material Development Can Provide Guidance in Making Effective Herbal Extracts, 2016 International Conference on the Science of Botanicals, National Center for Natural Products Research, Oxford, MS.
- Wild Food: Using Nutrition and Herbs to Boost Resilience and Mitigate Stress, 2015 International Conference to Promote Resilience, Empathy and Well-Being in the Health Professions: An Interprofessional Forum. Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education (CENTILE), Georgetown University Medical Center, 2015.
- Effectiveness and safety overview of herbal supplements used as stress inoculators, anxiolytics and mood regulators. Maryland Psychological Association Foundation Integrative Medicine Conference, 2015
- Our Dinner with André: A Conversation between Traditional Wisdom and Evidenced Based Data about Safety of Herbal Medicine, FDA/GRAS Division, 2014.
- Exploring That Space-In-Between Primary Research And Traditional Knowledge, American Herbalist Guild 25th Annual Symposium, 2014.
- Evaluation of Extraction Methods for Green Tea Catechins, Phytochemical Society of North America Annual Meeting, Towson Maryland, July 2009.
- Botanical Supplement Standard Reference Material Program, Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset New Jersey, November 2007.
- The Ecological Role of Isoquinoline Alkaloids from Hydrastis canadensis L. in Metabolite Formation of Fusarium: Adaptation or Synergy? Joint Meeting of The International Society of Chemical Ecology & Phytochemical Society of North America, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 24-28, 2004.
- Effects of Hydrastis Isoquinoline Alkaloids on Growth and Viability of Fusarium spp., American Society of Pharmacognosy, Chapel Hill, NC, July 2003.
- Evaluation of Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) isoquinoline alkaloids by LC/MS, American Pharmacognosy Society, Seattle Washington, July 2000.
- Germination of Mistletoe Seed on Artificial Medium, American Society of Pharmacognosy, Orlando Florida, June 1998.
Pedagogy Talks
- Using the Concepts from Home Schooling to Build Resilience in Our Online Students, Maryland University of Integrative Health Faculty Development Day, 2015.
- Learning to Use a Flipped Classroom, Maryland University of Integrative Health Faculty Development Day, 2014.
- Using the Community in Community College Teaching: Dialogues on Racial and Cultural Identity, 22nd Annual AFACCT Conference, Engaging the New Community College Student Demographic: The Challenges Faculty Face, at the Montgomery College, Rockville, January 2012.
- Using Improvisational Writing in Biology to Stimulate Critical Thinking, 6th Annual Power Up your Pedagogy Conference Fostering Student Success, Northern Virginia Community College, January
- Using a Multi-Faceted Program to Improved Writing Skills in a General Biology Course for non-Majors, Annual Conference of the Association of Faculty for Advancement of Community College Teaching. College of Southern Maryland: Oct. 22, 2010.
- How “Unlearning” Begins with Asking a Good Question: Teaching Students Critical Thinking Skills in a Multi-Disciplinary Course on Medicinal Plants, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Washington DC, November 2006.
Lecture Videos
Access to several lecture videos can be found at my YouTube Channel
Here’s a talk on Reducing Play Deficit: How Students Can Learn to Take Risks Solving Complex Problems
Authored Online Resources
- Alternative Medicine Foundation Resource Guide for Herbal Medicine
- HerbMed, interactive herbal database, now housed at American Botanical Council
- Food-Borne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins
- Medicinal and Poisonous Database (1998), archived at University of Hamburg
- Several chapters in, Principles of Biology, an Interactive Textbook